Saturday, December 01, 2007

Interview with Sean Michael Lucas and free online lectures

Next week I will be posting an interview with Sean Michael Lucas, assistant professor of church history at Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis. The seminary have made a number of courses available online for free with MP3s, transcripts, and lecture handouts. You can listen to David Calhoun on Ancient and Medieval Church History, or Reformation and Modern Church History. There is also Robert Peterson on Humanity, Christ and Redemption, and Spirit, Church and Last Things.

Here are some of the questions that I put to Sean:

What are the signs of spiritual and theological decline in a

Why do confessional denominations requiring subscription become
infected with error and change theologically?

Is there greater danger from openly, and aggressively, unorthodox
preachers in a denomination or from the people who want to keep
organisational unity?

Many evangelicals take a minimalist view of doctrinal statements.
What are the benefits of making use of a fuller confession?

Nevertheless fuller confessions don't prevent false teachers from
arising within and infiltrating churches. Why is this?

The lectures from Covenant Theological Seminary are available as part of Covenant Worldwide. The page to visit is here, and here is the purpose behind it:

Covenant Worldwide's mission is to provide ready access to grace-centered, high-quality theological training by minimizing the barriers of distance, cost, and language. This mission recognizes our part in stewarding the resources of theological education to the Church, which is growing most rapidly in areas of the world where ministry training is often least available.

Our hope and prayer is that no matter where God has stationed you in His Kingdom or how He has gifted you to serve, you will find that these resources encourage, strengthen, and equip your ministry and Christian walk.

Covenant Worldwide:

  • Offers free downloads of Covenant Theological Seminary courseware and study guide materials.
  • Encourages the sharing and distribution of its material for non-commercial purposes in order to serve and equip God's people throughout the world.

The courseware posted on this site comprises an assortment of classes from Covenant Seminary's master's degree programs. Their selection is designed to provide a broad, foundational knowledge of the Scriptures as well as guidance for engaging a variety of ministry contexts through the study of church history, doctrine and practice.

You may download, use and share courseware at no charge for non-commercial purposes. Lectures are in MP3 format, and study guides are available as PDFs. The lectures are currently available in English but are being transcribed to facilitate the translation of these materials into multiple languages.