A. T. B. McGowan The Divine Spiration of Scripture: Should we kiss inerrancy goodbye?
In an earlier post I looked at Andy McGowan's proposal to relocate the doctrine of Scripture under the doctrine of the Spirit. In the grand scheme of the book this is a minor proposal. By far the most serious proposal is that "we should cease to use the word 'inerrancy' in relation to our doctrine of Scripture" (p. 13).
McGowan seeks to present a third view as an alternative to the "inerrancy" doctrine of Warfield and the "errancy" doctrine in matters of history, science and geography championed by Rogers and McKim. I haven't had time to complete my review and critique of this proposal. I hope to post something on this in the next few days.
Hi Martin,
Sorry for two comments in one day! In my recent reading of McGowan someone pointed me in the direction of Richard B. Gaffin's "God's Word in Servant Form: Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck on the Doctrine of Scripture" published by Reformed Academic Press. I haven't managed to get a copy, but have read his article in the Westminster Theological Journal from 1982. I'm serving as librarian in a theological college at the moment and if you'd like a photocopy of the article to add to your consideration of McGowan I will gladly send it to you.
God bless,
You might want to also check out the second part of that article by Gaffin, which appeared in WTJ 45 (sp1983), 219-72. These two articles essentially were republished in God's Word in Servant Form, with slight variation as I understand it.
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