I doth my cap to the gentlemen at Reformation Theology for including Risking the Truth in their top ten books for 2009. Good to see that there are three Christian Focus titles in that list. The Marrow of Modern Divinity is one of them, and it also gets a mention from Derek Thomas:
I was thrilled to see a brand new (and attractively produced) version of what I blurbed on the back as "one of the most important texts of all time" - The Marrow of Modern Divinity, confidently ascribed to Edward Fisher - the original simply had "E.F." (Christian Focus). To cite Luther, he who understands the relationship between law and gospel is a theologian, and reading the Marrow will help us all to become better theologians.Monergism Books are selling The Marrow at an amazing price. And there's time to get it before Christmas.
[HT: Nick Batzig]
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