In my neck of the woods this doctrine is rarely ever heard in terms of preachers preaching upon it. Why do so many preachers seem to avoid it like the plague? Of course, perhaps it is different elsewhere ???? In the western world the cults seem to multiply and Islam is increasing and yet Christians seem so ignorant of this doctrine. Why, in light of the essential nature of it and its importance for Christian witness do preachers so rarely, if ever, preach and teach upon it? From another perspective, I am currently reading Eifion Roberts biography of Daniel Rowland and was interested to see that this doctrine became so important during the 18th century and the Welsh Methodist Awakening. Apparently Howell Harris advocated some form of Sabellianism or Patripassianism. It reminded me how easily even great preachers can fall into error.
We're doing some stuff on Doctrine of Trinity this January, so if this post is from a particular catechism, or author, or something, then I'd love to know the source.
Of course, if it's a 'Downes original' then I'd still like to make reference to it.
Rowland wrote a tract against Howell Harris with the title "A conversation between a ---- Methodist [I forget which word he used] and a mistaken one." Perhaps the title indicated his hope for Harris' entanglement in error being a temporary condition.
The first time I heard that question was in an interview for a UCCF staff post in Wales. It was the Rev. Gwynn Williams (minister of the Welsh Evangelical Church in Cardiff) who asked the question, and eventually gave the right answer.
In my neck of the woods this doctrine is rarely ever heard in terms of preachers preaching upon it. Why do so many preachers seem to avoid it like the plague? Of course, perhaps it is different elsewhere ????
In the western world the cults seem to multiply and Islam is increasing and yet Christians seem so ignorant of this doctrine. Why, in light of the essential nature of it and its importance for Christian witness do preachers so rarely, if ever, preach and teach upon it?
From another perspective, I am currently reading Eifion Roberts biography of Daniel Rowland and was interested to see that this doctrine became so important during the 18th century and the Welsh Methodist Awakening. Apparently Howell Harris advocated some form of Sabellianism or Patripassianism. It reminded me how easily even great preachers can fall into error.
Hi Martin,
We're doing some stuff on Doctrine of Trinity this January, so if this post is from a particular catechism, or author, or something, then I'd love to know the source.
Of course, if it's a 'Downes original' then I'd still like to make reference to it.
Rowland wrote a tract against Howell Harris with the title "A conversation between a ---- Methodist [I forget which word he used] and a mistaken one." Perhaps the title indicated his hope for Harris' entanglement in error being a temporary condition.
The first time I heard that question was in an interview for a UCCF staff post in Wales. It was the Rev. Gwynn Williams (minister of the Welsh Evangelical Church in Cardiff) who asked the question, and eventually gave the right answer.
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