Over at the Church Matters blog there is a helpful summary of what Lady Catherwood recently said about her father's preaching:
1. The man deeply felt his conversion. Dr. Lloyd-Jones never got over the Lord’s mercy to him in saving him and this was clear in his preaching.
2. The underlining issue behind his preaching was the glory of God. Behind all of his preaching the main point and main issue was always that God be glorified and exalted. He never treated the Lord casually.
3. He had the presence of a man who dwelt with the Lord in prayer. When he preached, he sincerely preached as a man that had consistently lingered truly humbly before the Lord and had dwelt on the Truth of God in Scripture. He brought those meditations and that posture to the people.
I am so thankful for M.L-J. May God continue to bless his legacy, especially through his grandson's, Jonathan's, work with the MLJ trust.
Martyn Lloyd Jones and Arthur W Pink, along with John Calvin, Charles Spurgeon and the Puritans, were my introduction to reformed Christianity. Iain Murray has written illuminating biographies of the Doctor, AWP, and Archibald Brown, Mr Spurgeon's successor. Do read these books, my friends. The Banner of Truth, both the magazine and the publishing house, was founded by the Doctor and Mr Murray and other dedicated and far-seeing men and women. We thank God for them. Visit the Banner of Truth online. Track down the Puritan giants published by the Banner imprint. I am currently rereading Richard Sibbes and a biography of Daniel Rowland.
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