Sorry, the title is not an attempt on my part to dabble with some eschatological predictions. It is a reference to the time limit on a special deal from Christian Focus. If you live in the UK you can get a 35% discount on Don Carson's new book Don Carson's book From the Resurrection to His Return: Living in the last days.
Christian Focus are offering a special deal on this book, in partnership with 10ofthose.com, of 35% off from 00:01 on the 18th March until 23:59 on the 19th March. You can order it by going here.
Here's a brief summary:
This short, accessible, book is designed for the whole church. Based on 2 Timothy 3 Carson gives wise counsel to the Church, imploring us to avoid false teachers and to seek good mentors.I've read the pre-release pdf and was struck by the number of vital issues and principles for the life of the Church that Carson draws out of 2 Timothy 3. This is a short, challenging, book and one that clearly points out the things that matter as we wait for Christ's return.
Here's the blurb:
This is not another book on what view to hold about the reality of Jesus' return but it is about how to live in the light of his imminent return. Don Carson accurately determines that the Christian church has always lived in what the bible terms 'the last days'...the period between his ascension to his Father in heaven and his return on the clouds of heaven.
Based on Paul's teaching in 2 Timothy 3, Don Carson gives wise counsel to today's church to avoid false teaching and to seek good mentors, those who will lead us in truth.
He shows that to rely on worldly wisdom is folly, that the world is utterly sinful, but rather to cling to the Bible as the source of our counsel and guidance and help. But more than that he shows us that it is in holding the Bible out to a needy world we take its message to where it is needed the most.
To live in the last days is not to hang on in quiet desperation but to boldly take the word of God and apply it to every situation knowing that it will meet every need just as it has throughout the two millennia since Jesus promised to return again. That is how to live in the last days!
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