Friday, May 09, 2008

The house that Jesus built

"The house that Jesus built" is the title of an excellent little book on the local church by Dale Ralph Davis. It is also the theme for the four messages that I will be giving over the next few days at the Speke Baptist Church (Liverpool) weekend away. We will be looking at:

The people Jesus saves (John 6)
The sheep Jesus calls (John 10)
The disciples Jesus cleans (John 13)
The branches Jesus makes fruitful (John 15)

My hope and prayer for the weekend is that our eyes will be fixed on the Triune God and his sovereign and gracious purposes for his people. God is saving a people for himself. We shouldn't rely on techniques and gimmicks to accomplish his purposes but understand and rely on the Shepherd calling and gathering his sheep, and trust that all that the Father has given to the Son really will come to him, and that he will raise them on the last day.

Knowing that God will save his people puts real strength into the church. We give praise to him for what he alone can do, and we refuse to be discouraged by our own weaknesses and what our eyes can see. His purposes of grace are indestructible. And it is this that makes us expectant, bold, risk takers in mission.

I would be grateful if you would pray for us all this weekend.

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