Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The West Wing: Apologetics and Hermeneutics 101

This extract from season one of The West Wing is a useful prompt for engaging with the hermeneutical and apologetic challenge to the relevance and use of the OT in sexual ethics.

Once you have watched it settle down and watch (at least) the opening six or seven minutes of this Robert Gagnon video. Although this video is not intended to be a response to the one above it does do a helpful job in answering the misquotations and wrong interpretative methods in it.

Dr. Robert Gagnon, What Does the Bible Teach About Homosexuality? S3E2 from Pure Passion on Vimeo.

[HT: Justin Taylor]

1 comment:

Gary Benfold said...

That's a brilliant piece of writing from the West Wing, isn't it? The writer doesn't actually say 'all evangelicals are boorish idiots' but he does still make the point. There are several such bits in the series; I particularly like the one where one Senator asks Toby 'Toby, do you believe the Bible is literally true?' and Toby responds 'Yes, sir, I do - I just don't think any of us are bright enough to understand it.'