Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Risking the Truth now available in the US

Risking the Truth is now available in the US here.

The legend that is JonathanThomas has reviewed the book here.

Here are some highlights:
I need to make a confession… When I bought this book I wasn’t expecting much. You see, I never really like reading interviews, and the thought of reading 20 interviews on heresy wasn’t the most exciting thing...

By the middle of the first interview (with Carl Trueman) I was hooked. I could not put the book down...What I loved is that Martin was asking the questions that I ask. Questions I would love to sit down and ask seasoned church leaders.

Questions like:

How should a minister keep his heart, mind, and will from theological error?

How have you dealt with church members or students who have been attracted to, or taken in by false teaching?

How can a minister keep himself from bitterness, pride and cynicism as he faces controversy?

How should a pastor protect the flock and help them to value sound doctrine?

Ultimately, if you are a pastor, or going into the pastorate, read this book.

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