The Myth of Non-Doctrinal Christianity
A very penetrating thinker has observed, "When you hear anyone say 'Away with creeds,' you know that what he really means is 'take mine.'" Everyone has a creed. There is not a single exception. And we live according to what we really believe. How foolish then the prejudice against doctrine. Much of it is based upon ignorance.Edward Roberts, quoted in Ligon Duncan (ed.), The Westminster Confession into the 21st Century, p. 24
Brilliant Post!
This is something I have been deliberating over for a while, I think this totally reinforces my view of doctrine, gives me opportunity to reflect on it.
More needs to be said on this area, too many people say this sort of foolish thing.
Yes, doctrine matters but doctrine can be taught in a redemptive-historical context and not only using the technical analysis of many systematic theologies.
At the end of Luke's gospel of Luke, Jesus, on the road to Emmaus, teaches concerning himself from a one-sermon survey of the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms.
Similarly, at the end of Luke's Book of Acts, Paul, in Rome, teaches concerning Jesus from the law of Moses and the prophets (Acts 28:23)
Both Jesus and Paul taught the gospel of the kingdom. The gospel is more than the availability of forgiveness of sins although reconciliation with the God of the universe is important and necessary. In the context of eternity, our lives here and now are just a tiny beginning. It's good news that Jesus Christ is reigning now and that is His Kingdom is increasing and shall know no end.
Look at other sermons recorded by Luke for the same redemptive-historical pattern.
Peter's sermons on the day of Pentecost and at the temple (Acts 2 and 3) are a survey of OT Scripture fulfilled by Christ.
Steven (Acts 7) gives a historical survey.
Philip's speech to the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8) reveals the fortelling of the Messiah in Isaiah and the fulfillment in Christ.
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