Monday, June 23, 2014

Luther on true and false theologians (and donkeys)

The inimitable Luther on true theologians:

For as soon as God's Word takes root and grows in you, the Devil will harry you and will make a real theologian of you, for by his assaults he will teach you to seek and love God's Word. I myself am deeply indebted to my critics, that through the Devil's raging they have beaten, oppressed, and distressed me so much. That is to say, they have made a fairly good theologian of me, which I would not have become otherwise.

And Luther on false theologians (and donkeys):

If, however, you feel and are inclined to think you have made it, flattering yourself with your own little books, teaching, or writing, because you have done it beautifully and preached excellently; if you are highly pleased when someone praises you in the presence of others; if you perhaps look for praise, and would sulk or quit what you are doing if you did not get it--if you are of that stripe, dear friend, then take yourself by the ears, and if you do this in the right way you will find a beautiful pair of big, long, shaggy donkey ears. Then do not spare any expense! Decorate them with golden bells, so that people will be able to hear you wherever you go, point their fingers at you, and say, "See, See! There goes that clever beast, who can write such exquisite books and preach so remarkably well." That very moment you will be blessed and blessed beyond measure in the kingdom of heaven. Yes, in that heaven where hellfire is ready for the Devil and his angels. 


  1. Its always good if people apply this to themselves and family members.

  2. Hello,
    My name is Steve Kindorf,
    I thought you would like to use these free Bible study resources on your web site or for yourself, or give them out to others for edification.

    It is a prayerbook called 'A Method for Prayer' -the 1710 edition, by the puritan writer Matthew Henry, who also wrote a commentary on the whole Bible. With added Bible study and reference aids for daily devotions.

    ‘A Method for Prayer’ is a classic bible-based prayerbook, I newly transcribed it from the 1710 editions with modernized spelling; and it has all the cross references from Matthew Henry's original prayerbook.

    –Featured in this new expanded edition is a collection of 700 short devotional prayers to the Godhead of Jesus Christ called ‘My Affection’ (that is, proclamations and praises of his many names, titles and attributes; being with you in worship and adoration before his throne as you think on them throughout the day and meditate in the night watches; God has said in Philippians 4:8 & Psalm 63:6.)
    –A poetic setting of Psalm 119.
    –A Glossary containing 2400 words of the King James Bible.
    –And a daily Bible reading plan.

    A free instant PDF download of the June 2014 revised edition of 'A Method for Prayer' by Matthew Henry is now available (this PDF is from the printed book, and has a fully active table of contents)-

    It will always be free to download at-
    Smashwords (this site has an ePub file and also a mobi file for kindle)-
    Scribd- (this PDF file is the June 2014 revised edition of the printed book, and has a fully active table of contents)-

    A free audiobook of 'A Method for Prayer'
    Chapter 1- Adoration
    Chapter 2- Confession of sin
    Chapter 3- Petitions and requests
    Chapter 4- Thanksgiving
    Chapter 5- Intercession
    Chapter 6- Addresses to God upon particular occasions
    Chapter 7- Conclusion of our prayers
    Chapter 8- A paraphrase on the Lord's prayer


  3. Oh that Luther!

    He wasn't shy, was he?

    Thanks for sharing his words with us, friend.


    The 2 comments above mine, I do believe (since they have nothing to do with your post) are what is called, "spam".
